Sunday, December 6, 2015

Using Blender, Mixamo Fuse and Substance Painter for 3D Models

The 3D tools available today offer some interesting features and conveniences as compared to what was available even a few years ago. Could your 3D workflow benefit from using one of these tools?

Friday, July 31, 2015

Unity UI - Dynamic Buttons and Scroll View

When building a UI, it's sometimes helpful to be able to dynamically create buttons depending on a number of objects. Unity's UI is easy to work with, but can be tricky to use if you're trying to build it dynamically. In this tutorial, we'll create buttons for a list of names and add them to a scrollable window so that we can accommodate any number of buttons.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Using Unity's Event Message System (Unity 4.6)

It's been a while since my last post, but typing away in my Info Tech class today really got me in the mood for a blog post. I'm happy to be back, so let's get started!

Unity recently updated it's messaging system...

It used to be as easy as:

target.SendMessage(string methodName);

Now it looks like this:

ExecuteEvents.Execute(GameObject target, BaseEventData eventData, EventFunction functor);

Lets look at how to utilize the new approach...

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Main Menu Tutorial with the new UI System (Unity 4.6)

We'll create something like this using only Unity Free Assets

Unity recently released it's long-awaited and much improved UI system in version 4.6. Prior to this, Unity's ability to create GUI's was lackluster, many developers turned to Asset Store extensions like NGUI to give themselves a fighting chance. With the arrival of the new UI system, have our troubles finally been put to rest? Well let's take a look...

Sunday, December 14, 2014

How to make a game like Fez in Unity: Part 3

In the final part of this tutorial series, we'll finish building our Fez-like game. Now that we have the basic level and character out of the way, we'll need to add code to handle the 3D rotation.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

How to separate and tag your posts in Blogger

If you’re setting up a blog using Blogger, one of the first things you’ll want to do is provide your readers with a way to more easily navigate your blog. By default, Blogger’s home page will display the most recent posts you’ve made, depending on your content it can be useful to categorize your entries so they will be easier to find later. Using Blogger’s built in Labels makes it easy to build a navigation bar that will filter content based on whatever tags you want to use. This tutorial will help you set up Labels for your posts.